The commencement of the digital age along with the rapid development of information technologies in the 21st century has led it to be defined as the age of information, where the boundaries between place and time no longer exist. It has become increasingly difficult to define what McLuhan has coined as the “global village”, a village based on communication where cultural structures are founded on technology, and constructed through differing codes. In other words, despite the fact that images, which are the most important carriers of technological culture, can transcend all kinds of barriers, individuals living in different cultures and societies perceive and understand these images in completely distinctive ways. Furthermore, it is important to ask the question of whether the process of communication brings along with it “technology”.

The term communication no doubt includes fashion, painting, textile, sculpture, all kinds of architecture, industrial and graphic design, advertising, popular culture, photograph, and mass media tools such as film, and television, as well as other products such as computer games, webpages, and newspaper and magazine design. So how are the messages created in these areas perceived? In terms of communication, what are the good and bad aspects of “technology”? How is society influenced by the “change”, “transformation” and “conversion” occurring in communication? Do McLuhan’s “technological determinism”, the “hyperreality” and the notion that all images morph into the imaginary of Jean Baudrillard’s “Simulacra and Simulation”, M. Castells concept of “network society” and the now very popular term of “social media” have anything in common? If we look at it more generally, what are the new approaches that have emerged in the components of communication – due to the process of technology?

CTC 2019 (Communication and Technology Congress) will take place  April 17th 2019. The Congress will bring together academics and professionals coming from different fields to discuss their differing point of views on these questions related to “Communication” while referring to “technology”. “Online” is our theme in this Congress.

Communication and Technology Congress


Prof.Dr. Hülya Yengin, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Deniz Yengin, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Assoc.Prof.Dr. And Algül, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Asist.Prof.Dr. Gökmen Hakan Karadağ, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey


Prof.Dr. Atilla Girgin, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Cem Sütçü, Marmara University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Donald L. Shaw, University of North Carolina, U.S.A.

Prof.Dr. Douglas Kellner, UCLA University, U.S.A.

Prof.Dr. Filiz Balta Peltekoğlu, Marmara University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. H.Hale Künüçen, Başkent University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Haluk Gürgen, Bahçeşehir University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Hülya Yengin, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Judith K. Litterst, St. Cloud State University, U.S.A.

Prof.Dr. Korkmaz Alemdar, Atılım University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Lev Manovich, University of California, U.S.A.

Prof.Dr. Maxwell E. McCombs, University of Texas, U.S.A.

Prof.Dr. Nazife Güngör, Üsküdar University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Özden Çankaya, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Ümit Atabek, Yaşar University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Yasemin Giritli İnceoğlu, Galatasaray University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Zafer Ertürk, Işık University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Özer Kanburoğlu, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Prof.Dr. Mehmet Üstünipek, İstanbul Kültür University, Turkey

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Deniz Yengin, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Assoc.Prof.Dr. And Algül, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Asist.Prof.Dr. Gökmen Hakan Karadağ, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Deniz Yengin, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Assoc.Prof.Dr. And Algül, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Asist.Prof.Dr. Gökmen Hakan Karadağ, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Asist.Prof.Dr. Ayten Övür, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Rsc.Ass. Tamer Bayrak, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Rsc.Ass. İrem Yeniceler, İstanbul Aydın University, Turkey

Call For Papers

CTC 2019 (Communication and Technology Congress) will take place  April 17th 2019. The Congress will bring together academics and professionals coming from different fields to discuss their differing point of views on these questions related to “Communication” while referring to “technology”. “Online” is our theme in this Congress.

Main Topics of CTC

  • Social Sciences (Communication Studies, researches, applied studies)
  • New Media (web 2.0, web 3.0, interactivity, convergence, virtuality, social media, etc.)
  • Digital Arts (cinema, television, photograph, illustration, kinetic, graphics etc.)
  • Digital Society (E-community, surveillance society, network society, etc.)
  • Communication Arts (advertising, public relation, marketing, etc.)
  • Mass Communication (Television, radio, newspaper, etc.)
  • Technology

Language Of CTC

Turkish and English

Paper Guidelines


CTC Dates

April 17th, 2019

Important Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline: March 20th, 2019

Full Paper Submission Deadline: April 26th, 2019

Proceedings Book Publishing Date: May 24th, 2019

CTC Venue

İstanbul Aydın University


Assoc.Prof.Dr. Deniz YENGİN 

Assoc.Prof.Dr. And ALGÜL

Assist.Prof.Dr. Gökmen H. KARADAĞ

Associate Coordinator

Rsc.Ast. Tamer BAYRAK